By now you should already be booked up with so many gigs doing what I taught you in part one. This will literally be enough to match your current monthly income and/or even surpass it.

You may be comfortable with working your current full time job and having your side hustle income being an artist. This income can make you comfortable and should have good income coming in for yourself.

Doing what I’m about to teach you will force you to make decisions.

You can either go all out and stay with your job and all your extra time is doing gigs as an artist.

Or jump to being a Full-Time Artist.

The reason why I say this is because this strategy is going to double your income fast.

Time To Be That Guy Who Knows a Guy

You ever know the guy who knows a guy and they always seem to know a person. This person is the guy people count on to hook them up.

Well we are going to use this to our strategy as a full time artist.

Now that you mastered part one, you should be getting so much inquiries as an artist and enough work to literally match your current income.

You should be at a spot now where either your current job and/or current gigs are keeping your calendar full. This means you might get gigs that overlap and/or you are getting double booked for a certain time or day.

Here is where you wish you had two of you or that you can clone yourself.

Here is How to Double Your Income as An Artist Overnight

Hook Up Other Gig Masters.

Simple as that.

Gig masters are people who are constantly getting work, they are travelling, they are in communities, they are out there doing their thing.

The reason why you want to hook up gig masters is because they mastered part one already and they are getting constant inquiries about getting hired.

If you hook up a gig master, they will in turn always think about you when they get double booked.

They will say, “They Know a Person”.

That person will be YOU.

When I implemented this strategy, I hooked up a well known gig artist who just happened to be free on the date that I hooked him up for. The gig was for $3,500 for a one hour performance. It included travel and accommodations.

He was so stoked that I hooked him up that not even a month later, he couldn’t do a gig that paid $4,000.00 and who did he think about calling to fill the gig?

None other than me.

This happens to me all the time now. I’ve hooked up so many gig masters that they constantly call me up hooking me up with all kinds of gigs.

This strategy works so well and should be implemented if you are already getting a lot of calls or until you mastered step number one of the Full Time Artist Mastery.