Have you ever heard the word Skoden or maybe seen it painted on a water tour around your area and wondered what that meant?

Well its a Native American slang meaning, “let’s go then”.
There are a lot of Native American slangs where they make use of the English Language and turn them into smaller words that are fun to use and make people laugh.
There is even a whole song by The Snotty Nose Rez Kid’s who have made a song around the slang word Skoden.
Some other slang words that Native American people use is Stoodis. That means “Let’s Do This”.
Now if you were to visit many of the Reservations across North America, you will find a lot of slang words that are native to that area.
For example you may hear some of the vowels being dragged out like the letter “e”.
Some people will say – “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”
They use it as slang for like “that’s crazy” or “lol”
Another one is “Aye”
They will use the word and drag it out like – “aaaaaaaayyyyyyyeeeeeeeee”
Another word more for the states is “ennit”
That is like using the word – “right”, “that’s how it is” or “ain’t it”
So you will find different slangs for many different words like Skoden.
Slang words can also be attributed to how people laugh. The cool thing about Native American people is their humour. We have been through a lot living in North America and through it all we been able to keep our sense of humour.
Here are all the different types of laughs we have throughout different nations.
Laughter, humour, and slangs are just another form of meditation to keep us calm during hard times.
We don’t always have to be stoic and warrior like just like Crazy Horse.
What are some slang words from where you live?