Eagle’s are very large powerful birds of prey. They have large hooked beaks which are great for ripping off meat of their hunt. The eyesight of an Eagle is very excellent and their powerful talons help them catch their prey.

Eagles will build their nests on high cliffs or in tall trees. There are over 60 species of the eagle.

Watch how prestine their hunting skills are in this video.

Eagles are a very spiritual animal to Native American people. The feather is used in all types of ceremony. It is said that in the past that each feather a warrior had was earned. They earned a feather to great deeds and act of coup.

Some Facts about Eagles Today

  • Young Bald Eagles are not actually bald
  • Hollywood dubs over eagle voices in their movies
  • Eagles are known to scavenge
  • Bald Eagles will usually mate for life when they find a partner
  • Eagles have a pretty long lifespan
  • Eagles hold the record for the largest birds nest
  • Female Eagles are 25% larger than male Eagles
  • To identify Eagles, look at the wings. Eagles sore with their wings flat and turkey vultures soare with their wings in a shallow v-Shape.
  • Bald Eagle’s are only found in North America
  • Eagles can see Ultraviolet Light.
  • Eagles can swim. When they grab a heavy fish, they will paddle it to shore.

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