Have you ever heard of Red Wolf: Marvels First Native American Hero? As for hero’s within the Native American people, we can only look back to our own history for hero’s to look up too, like sitting bull and many other leaders. Many heroes have been introduced into the Marvel comics such as ironman, thor, and many others but none of them have been First Nations People. I think the only person to come close to the awesome skills of our warriors would have to be Hawk-Eye, because of his skill’s with the bow and hand to hand combat. So without further a due let’s explore the hero they call, Red Wolf.

YouTube Channel Comic Basics Briefly goes over the origin of Red Wolf

So When Was He First Introduced?

Red Wolf was introduced in 1970 as William Talltrees in Avengers #80, and was the star of his own 9-issue series that started in 1972 with stories set in the Old West.

Red Wolf: Marvels First Native American Hero
Avengers Comic #80 circa 1970

Where Did Red Wolf Come From?

There have been multiple men to take on the place of Red Wolf. For this origin, we will be discussing the man named William Talltrees. 

William was born in Wolf Point, Montana, and was the son of the Cheyenne Tribal Leader, Thomas Talltrees, and Rebecca Tall trees, From a young age, William grew up learning of stories of the great Red Wolf. 

The Talltrees family was forced into selling their property to a corrupt businessman named Cornelius Van Lunt. Tragically. Van Lunt then ordered the murder of Thomas Talltrees and Rebbeca Talltress. Filled With Anger, William Talltrees vowed to get his revenge and avenge the death of his loved ones.

He then began wearing the ceremonial outfit of the Red Wolf. Wearing the regalia, however, wasn’t enough. Owayodata, the one who gives power to the Red Wolf, does exactly this and gives power to William, with it the Red Wolf’s abilities. William Talltress then finds a small wolf cub, who he name’s Lobo. He then begins to train the wolf cub as his companion.

With his newly granted powers and wolf in tow, William follows the one who murdered his parents all the way to New York, where (with the help of the Avengers) he gets his revenge.

Power And Abilities

Red Wolf: Marvels First Native American Hero

Indomitable Will

Talltrees almost cannot be tricked or persuaded into doing something that he does not agree with. His bond with himself is so strong, it’s said to block out telepathy abilities all altogether.

Superhuman Strength

With the power given to him by Owayodata, the overall efficiency of Talltrees muscles increased dramatically. With his superhuman strength, he can lift approximately 3 tons.

Superhuman Speed

Talltrees is capable of running at speeds that limits of the greatest human athletes

Superhuman Stamina

Talltrees can exert himself physically for several hours before he begins to feel fatigued.

Superhuman Durability

Talltrees can survive falling from several stories or being repeatedly struck by a superhumanly strong person, that would severely injure or kill a normal human. However, Talltrees can be injured from bullets or bladed weapons.

Superhuman Agility

Talltrees’ agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels beyond that of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes

Talltrees’ reflexes are similarly enhanced to levels beyond that of the finest human athlete.

Superhumanly Acute Senses

Talltrees’ senses of smell, sight, and hearing have also been augmented to levels similar to those of an actual wolf. Talltrees can use his highly developed sense of smell to track targets by their individual scent.


Talltrees is a highly skilled hand to hand combat, he sometimes combines his great natural gymnastics capability during battle. He is also experienced in wrestling, master in archery, and an expert at using throwing weapons.

Red Wolf Stand Alone Comic Series

In 1872 in an alternate universe a man by the name of Johnny Wakley (Red Wolf) is seen becoming the deputy of a scoundrel filled town called timely. As the deputy, he becomes the hero to put everyone in line. As an outsider and an honest man, Red is going to need all his wits, and both his fists, to serve and protect.

Published December 2, 2015

Written by Nathan Edmondson and the cover art by Jefferey Veregge

Too Find out more about the series go to https://www.marvel.com/comics/series/20849/red_wolf_2015_-_2016

Red Wolf Lego Character

red wolf lego marvel superheroes 2

A Character found in the 2017 Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 game, which you unlock through missions and actually play the character of Red Wolf.

taboo singer of the black eyed peas becomes red wolf

Watch as Taboo (From the Group Blacked Eyed Peas) Becomes the Character of Red Wolf.

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