A lot of First Nations people all over North America have different tales and legends told for thousands of years, one of these legends is the story of Weesakayjack the first human on the earth, Among other things Weesaykayjack could talk to the animals of the earth and this is a story of How North America came to be Short Weesakayjack Story

Long ago the creator sent a great flood to the earth, it rained and rained for many days and nights. Many of the animals drowned but there was one man named Weesakayjack who survived this flood with some animals.

The animals and Weessakayjack came together and made a huge canoe they then rode on this canoe for many days until the rain finally stopped. It was then Weesakayjack realized that he forgot to bring along a piece of earth to recreate a new world.

How North America came to be Short Weesakayjack Story

The only way to get a piece of the earth was to dive to the bottom of the ocean for a piece of earth. Weesaykayjack asked the beaver if he could dive for some earth and the beaver agreed.

How North America came to be Short Weesakayjack Story

So the Weesaykayjack tied a vine to the beaver and then the beaver jumped in the water to try to get some earth. The other animals and Weesaykayjack waited and waited until Wasaykayjack finally pulled up the exhausted beaver but the beaver did not succeed.

How North America came to be Short Weesakayjack Story

Next, the otter was told to go dive for some earth but again he failed as well. Then the muskrat offered to try so he did.

How North America came to be Short Weesakayjack Story

The muskrat further and further into the ocean to try to get a piece of the earth. He was down in the water so long that everyone else thought he was dead, so Weesaykayjack lifted him up from the ocean into the canoe and what they feared was true, he was dead. But inside of his little tiny claw was a small piece of earth, the muskrat has sacrificed his life so that life on earth could begin again.

How North America came to be Short Weesakayjack Story

The turtle then came forward and offered to bear the weight of this earth so it could grow. Out of nowhere, the wind started to blow from all 4 direction’s and the piece of earth started to grow on the turtles back. It grew and grew until it became a huge island in the water. Today that island is known as North America. The land the First Nations People have lived on for tens of thousands of years.

How North America came to be Short Weesakayjack Story

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