Drummer Of U2 Donates $100,000.

With all the craziness going on in the world it’s always so refreshing to hear of another great act of kindness displayed towards indigenous people by non-indigenous people.

Indigenous communities in North America, especially the Navajo and Hopi people, have suffered severely because of the coronavirus, with a death rate in some towns that is more than twice the size one of the worst affected parts of North America.

The drummer Larry Mullen of the famous band U2 has donated $100,000 of his own money towards the Navajo-Hopi relief fund. 

Donations towards the relief effort began in may when Ireland when more than 25,000 Irish citizens, including Mullen, have contributed $870,000 so far to help those who are struggling. The donations are a way of giving back to those who helped them during the 1847 Potato Famine in Ireland where the Choctaw Nation gave $170 which is $5000 USD today.

Drummer Of U2 Donates $100,000

Where Will The Donations Go?

According to the Navajo and Hopi Families COVID-19 Relief Fund, Larry Mullen’s gracious donation will subsidize a week’s worth of food and water deliveries to about 1,000 households. They include especially vulnerable individuals who are at high risk of infection.

Donations to the relief effort’s GoFundMe page have exceeded a whopping $4.3 million and volunteers have served 6,400 households in nearly 70 communities on the Navajo Nation and 12 Hopi villages.

The Relief Fund has mobilized a large volunteer emergency effort to help provide food and water throughout the Navajo and Hopi Nations. The Relief Fund volunteers have served over half of the Navajo Nation chapters including 6,400 households in almost 70 communities in the Navajo Nation and in 5 of the 12 Hopi Villages.

Unfortunately, the Navajo Nation now has the highest per-capita COVID-19 infection rate in the country, so it is pretty awesome that Larry Mullen Drummer Of U2 Donates towards a good cause.

So if you too would like to help and donate towards a good cause here is the GoFundMe page. https://www.gofundme.com/f/NHFC19Relief

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