Are you looking for guidance and not sure where to go? then you have come to the right place! Here are 10 Pieces Of Wisdom & Quotes From Native American Elders.

Not long ago, many of our Native American people were killed, and with them, many of our spiritual practices and beliefs were killed as well. Our people were truly connected and in tune with the earth. The wisdom of our ancestors was truly remarkable and has had people from all over the world coming to our culture to find answers to help with a multitude of problems.

Many of our teachings were not documented on papers, but orally. When many of our Native American elders spoke we were expected to listen, When we listen to our elders we could hear a pin drop across a basketball court. Because back then we knew the importance of listening to them.

So with that lets explore the 10 Pieces Of Wisdom & Quotes From Native American Elders.

1. Sitting Bull

10 Pieces Of Wisdom & Quotes From Native American Elders

“Inside of me there are two dogs. One is mean and evil and the other is good and they fight each other all the time. When asked which one wins I answer, the one I feed the most.”

In many cultures around the world it is believed that there are 2 sides to everyone, the good and the bad. Which ever we feed the most usually win’s.

With all the help of social media platforms, it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole of negativity and drama, and before you know it your own life is filled with such things. That is why you must be careful of what you feed your mind. You have that choice to do so.

2. Black Elk

10 Pieces Of Wisdom & Quotes From Native American Elders

“it was the story of a mighty vision given to a
man too weak to use it; of a holy tree that should have flourished in a people’s heart with flowers and singing birds, and now is withered; and of a people’s dream that died in bloody snow.
But if the vision was true and mighty, as I know, it is true and mighty yet; for such things
are of the spirit, and it is in the darkness of their eyes that men get lost.”

This quote talks about hope. Everyone in life goes through pain and suffering and when we go through these things we are left with strong feelings of resentment, hate, jealousy, and all negative emotions. Some so strong in fact that it makes people kill and their true self gets lost to the darkness that has crept in the hearts. The mighty view he talks about is about the future and having hope that it will be good. If you give up this hope of a good positive future then you will get lost to the dark.

3. Big Bear

10 Pieces Of Wisdom & Quotes From Native American Elders
Big Bear

 “when we set a fox-trap we scatter pieces of meat all round, but when the fox gets into the trap we knock him on the head; We want no bait; let your chiefs come like men and talk to us.”

Back when the treaties between Canada and the First Nations People were first being signed, the great Cree Chief Big Bear had said the quote above to the Methodist clergyman and missionary George Millward McDougall upon presenting a treaty for them to sign. Not trusting these white men who killed so many of his people, Big Bear knew it was a trap and refused to sign it. Afterward, when his people were starving and dying Big Bear was the last chief to sign the treaties in Canada in order to provide his people with food.

4. Chief Joseph

10 Pieces Of Wisdom & Quotes From Native American Elders

“While all their mouths talk right, I do not understand why nothing is done. I have heard talk and talk but nothing is done. Good words do not last long unless they amount to something… I believe much trouble and blood would be saved if we opened our hearts more… It does not take many words to speak the truth.”

When commenting about speaking with the U.S leaders, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Tribe said the quote above.

To speak the truth you don’t need a diploma, certificates or accolades. All you need is honesty. Honestly calls for moments of discomfort and vulnerability.

5. Crazy Horse

10 Pieces Of Wisdom & Quotes From Native American Elders
Crazy Horse Monument

“Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.”

Not a big fan of pictures, Crazy Horse has no actual pictures of himself because he believed that pictures held onto a piece of a person’s soul.

Many of the people who own the land of today’s society are filling it with thousands of things that are hurting it. Many owners of these places do not have the future in mind. The earth is loaned to you by your children means to think about the future generation before any destruction of the land occurs because that’s where our kids will have to live. This land we think we own is not ours but our children’s land.

6. Tecumseh

A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong.

This quote is a metaphor that there is great strength in numbers, whether it be in actual people or even beliefs about yourself. If you believe you are only strong in one area then you are easy to break but if you believe you are strong in multiple areas then it is hard to take you down. Meaning you must always learn new skills and grow confidence within yourself.

7. Pound Maker

Chief Pound Maker

We all know the story of the man who sat by the trial too long, and then it grew over, and he could never find his way again. We cannot forget about what has happened, but we cannot go back, Nor can we sit beside the trail”

Moving forward is a natural part of life. Like all things in nature, things continue to move forward and grow as they should. It’s important not to stay in one place, whether is physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We all must grow and move forward, and not trying to keep going back to the past. If we don’t grow and move forward everything around us will grow without us. We will be lost and it will be hard to catch up. So keep growing and learning.

8. Dan George

Chief Dan George

“Of all the teachings we receive, this one is most important: Nothing belongs to you of what there is, of what you take, you must share.”

Nothing truly does belong to us, like the saying goes ” You can’t take it with you when you die”. Meaning not to be filled with greed for material things and if you do get an abundance of things you must learn to share it. When you learn to share from the goodness of your heart, compassion starts to grow and you start to understand things. You will have a greater appreciation for the things life has given you.

9. Red Crow

Floyd “RedCrow” Westermen

Everybody is so distracted by things for the self. They don’t care about their relatives anymore. The SUV shows how we feel about the environment. To turn this around, we need to go back to the earth and live with the earth spiritually.”

Empathy is something that has been missing with many people in today’s society of social media. It has become cool to not care about others and not feel empathy for others. It all goes back to what we feed our minds and hearts. If you will it with hate you with experience hate. If you immerse yourself with good then you will get good, the spiritual practices of Native American culture are filled with nothing but good teachings that teach you empathy and positivity.

10. Gordon Tootoosis

Gordon Tootoosis

“Leadership is about submission to duty not elevation to power”

Many leaders in todays society run for office in order to gain power. If you are a leader or becoming a leader you must submit to duty. Give in to doing your duties as a leader, many people do not do this. You must think about the needs of others in mind more than your own. People who crave power are often filled with much ego, selfishness and do things that will not be a benefit to their people.

Was there any of quotes you think should been here? let us know if the comments below. thank you fro reading.