Live to Lead John C Maxwell
There’s an Acronym that you can use when you come on to new knowledge called ACT
It stands for.
- Action
- Change
- Train
When you learn a new skill….what action can you take immediately right now to implement it now.
What change do you have to make to do this new skill?
How can you train and teach others how to do the same?
John C Maxwell
Develop leaders and you will be able to multiply your growth. Within your school, Band Office, or Organization, focus on developing leaders within and the growth will become undeniable.
When John C Maxwell looked at his book he wrote 25 years ago on Leadership, he thought it sucked. The reason was, the book and he were on the same page 25 years ago, but he had to write a new book because his growth is not on the same page anymore.
His 25-year growth is more than the book so his ideas and knowledge had outgrown the philosophies he had written about earlier in his life.
Developing yourself as a leader is a challenge, but developing other leaders is more challenging but it will be worthwhile.
There is a leadership shortage. When you grow your leaders, you grow your organization. Grow a leader, grow the people, grow the company.
People overvalue their dream and undervalue their team. Who’s in your team. You are only as good as the people around you.
Nightmare is a big dream and a bad team.
Develop a leadership culture.
Phase One: Identifying Leaders
You got to find them so you can develop them. Your job as a leader is to get off the mountain and walk through the crowd and look for the leader.
When you find them you take them up the mountain with you. Never climb the mountain alone. If you climb the mountain alone you are not a leader, you’re a hiker.
What does a leader look like?
Advance attraction, when I know what I want and what to accomplish, I begin to find the people to help me accomplish.
Phase 2 – Attracting Leaders
Invite them to the leadership table. An environment that you have that allows them to sit with you and be exposed to “leadership”.
People grow into the conversations you have around them. A conscious effort of a process to have leadership discussions and to see how leaders work.
It’s the beginning spot to develop leaders. Ask questions in engaging in conversation. Bring in some other key players and get them to interact together and you will see them evolve.
If you are in Chief and Council, find some of the leaders in the schools who are students. Let them sit in the Chief and Council meetings to hear how the leadership is attempting to lead the community.
If you are a parent, let your children sit with you about how you are planning your home and the direction you would like to see the family.
If you are an Educator like a principle. Allow some of the students who have shown leadership skills to sit down at the Staff meetings to listen in what a real leadership meeting sounds like and feels like.
Phase 3 Understanding Leaders
Connect with them before you lead them. Touch a heart before you ask for a hand. The great leaders care for you as a person and go to you before they go to the position. They go to the heart and value you and connect with where you are.
Value people. Secret sauce.
You don’t bring greatness by going to the worst in people, you bring greatness by going to the best in people.
Two kinds of leaders.
- The leader that gives direction
- A Leader that asks questions.
Direction – half time you are assuming and miss so much potential as a person because you are trying to fit them in what you think they should become.
Lead by questions – you get the understanding; you find them and you can lead them.
Become the leader who asks questions. Ask what the people you are serving are going through and what they want to achieve and how you can help.
Ask questions to create relationships and to be at a better spot to serve.
Ask your community what concerns them.
Ask your students what they are working on and how you can help.
Ask your kids what their hopes and dreams are and how you can make it happen.
Phase 4 – Motivating Leaders
Motivating them to be their best. Most people are not engaged or 100% committed.
Believe in them. Personal leadership. Me personally
Encourage them. Emotional leadership go to their heart
Show them. Visual leadership, follow me, hang with me for a while.
Train them. Practical leadership.
Managers lead everyone the same and leaders lead them differently.
What motivates them, what in their life that motivates them.
Motivation – Purpose, leaders want to do what they were created to do. Help them find their purpose and they become motivated.
Autonomy – Freedom to control their lives
Relationships – do things with people they love
Progress – leaders want to experience growth
Mastery – Leaders want to excel in their skill
Money – Leaders want to be financially secure
Recognition – Leaders want to be recognized
Principle – evaluate yourself from 1-5 with these 7 above.
Highly motivated will rank themselves high in all seven, they are also delusional.
Top producers are 4-5 in each of them. When you have more things that motivate you will stick around longer.
Act – Ask more questions
Change – Connect with people more to help them change
Train – Teach on my social media and in person when I speak.
Chris Hogan
Everyday Millionaire / Retire Inspired Author
People matter. Be a person of influence in their lives. You have a bigger obligation to do than to just do work.
We always have the mindset of someday I am going to do that, someday I’m going to do this. We look at the calendar and there is no Some Day or Sometember.
None of are where we want to be but I’m going to do my best from where I am at because someone had done that for me.
“A Good Leader can help people get better at their job…..a great leader helps them get better in their life”
A horrible leader is not a leader, it is a boss. A boss will scream and tell and make your life hell.
A great leader will help you see things differently and help you grow.
Leadership lie. It has nothing to do with your position or title. (Principle, Chief, Super Intendant, Boss, Manager, Etc.)
We have to polish and shine the people inside your organization, community, work space. A good leader will help you get better at your job and a great leader will help you get better in your life.
Words coming out of your mouth can touch a heart and reach through a heart.
When You believe in them. Your words have power. Your words can also hurt a heart and snatch a dream. They replay that pain and old hurt cause new pain in a new day.
We have an opportunity to start different.
Show Your Spirit and how you see people, what do you see for them.
Cooperate leadership – Leader is at the top and team at the bottom. That is wrong and egotistical. A leader who takes all the credit is called a thief.
Servant leadership is the leader is at the bottom and the team is at the top. What do I do to help my team get better? Leadership is a two-way street. You have the ability to work for your team up. You don’t own anybody.
With says team. It means US.
People who work WITH me. Empower others. Push them. Guide them.
Servant Leaders:
- Listens. Don’t be busy that you can’t listen. Ask and just listen to what is going on. The connection is absolutely vital. Asking questions are a big deal.
Ask How are you?
Ask What are you working on?
Ask How can I help?
A relationship will begin. Better treat your team right.
Don’t air out the things they told you.
- Follow up. – How to pray for them. How to support them. As a leader, you go first.
- Follow Through – What can you do to help them, support them, and rally around them. It doesn’t mean to solve it. Care enough to make a connection, follow up and do something that shows that you care.
- Servant Leader helps the people grow. Help them to grow. Have conversations about their strengths and weaknesses. The connection does not have to be an hour. It can be 10-15 minutes and it can be powerful if you are all in.
“Life’s most urgent question is, what are you doing for others? – Martin Luther King”
Benefits of Servant Leadership
- Increases Trust. Does this part of the business trust the other part of the business? Leader means to go first. So go First. Pick up the trash, turn off the lights. Who’s life did you impact today.
- Loyalty – It’s a two-way street. Do you have their back when something goes sideways? If something goes wrong did you call them out? You are either building loyalty each day or losing it. Build it day in and day out.
- Creates Unity – We are in this together. It’s a WE mentality, not a ME mentality.
People have options meaning they can just leave. Businesses think the man above is in charge and doesn’t have to listen.
You don’t have to tell us you are in charge….just show us.
Do on to others as you would have them do on to you. Be a leader who cares and to do something that matters. We don’t get surprised by obstacles we expect them, I got to do what I can so I don’t let my brothers and sisters down – Military group.
Run to your people because you trust them, take care of them. Strive for loyalty. That can make your vulnerable. It keeps you human and rooted. Create an environment where they can’t imagine working with someone else. They wake up excited to come to work with you.
Stay connected, think like a scientist. Have some fun and be silly. When you do good and have fun it causes a ripple effect. A little bitty pebble can make a ripple and make an impact.
Polishing and shining people day in and day out.
“He changed my life because he cared. He pushed me. He saw more in me then I had seen in myself”
Angela Ahrendts
Too fast and too busy and not focusing on things that really matter like family and friends.
“How are you: Fine …. I didn’t raise you to be fine…try again.”
This is what her Dad would ask her all the time.
When you stop loving the people, stop leading the people.
The team that shares the same values, missions, and purpose. You are not a team if you don’t you are just a group. Build a company that you always dreamed of working for.
When you build this value-based team that trusts each other it unlocks their intuition where people can just dream. It begins and ends with the team.
The team creates an incredible culture. That culture is a living and breathing thing. People then get to stand outside of themselves and watch people shine.
Culture is so closely connected and then that is where the human spirit is at work. If you don’t have that there will be movement.
You have to have movement. Move fast.
The world is changing fast. How do you adjust with the change. Learn to use your instincts and learn to listen.
Go sit with the teams and just listen. You know what you want to do. You have been here longer then I have. Let’s hear from you and also listen to the community. When you have that relationship with the community you can come up with a team to come up with solutions.
When You ask…they will absolutely give.
Listen and work together.
Develop More Women in Leadership
Give more women the opportunity upfront. How hard is it to treat people equal with pay and all of that. And with promotions with the same thing.
If I were in that position, what would I do?
Add more flexible programs. Encourage women to be better wives, sisters, aunts. They will absolutely be more loyal when you give more flexibility.
There are things that she will do that her husband won’t do. Encourage them to start their families, encourage them to attend school events and they will be better employees.
Leading at a Higher Level
Each day at a time. Each job at a time. Leading 2 people or 50k people. When you are thinking I want to lead higher…’s “I”.
Think about how can I make them great. How can I make the company great?
Don’t focus on leading all these people. Just care, lean it, listen, do the best you could do every day. Never forget where you came from. Try to be nice, kind, giving, caring, and always do on to others.
Never once thought, how do I get to the next level.
People who try to seek higher positions, they sometimes lose their way.
But if you just keep in your lane and know who you are and work on yourself it will come.
If I could put you in the right place at the right time you will do great. Focus on doing a great job every day.
What Your Experience as a Mentor and Mentee
Huge on group meetings and digital communications. A video every week just to connect and unite everyone.
Believe that you are mentoring every day with every action. How you say good morning and hello. With my family or at a hotel. Everybody is watching every move you make and you have the ability to mentor everybody.
People ask to get mentored and she would say she doesn’t have that hour but I got this meeting and bring as many people as you can and as you say things over and over again you have these tag lines that cause ripple effects to all these people.
Steve Jobs – Your job is to Enrich Lives
Her – Enriching the lives of our employees
Mentor every day and put on forums to mentor as many people as you can. It’s a better use of your time.
You are mentoring whether you know it or not. People do what people see. Have that example by being an example.
Advice to Young Leaders
Leadership is not a left-brain linear journey. Lead with your heart and you feel and it’s every individual and you are touching people and that is leadership.
We are humans and we are meant to connect and feel each other.
People will forget what you say and did but they will never forget how you made them feel.
Turn off your head and turn on your heart. Don’t forget all the stuff you learned….but when you truly feel and are so authentic and vulnerable…it’s okay because that unites and aligns and everyone wants to do it together.
There is a gap between people who are successful and not. Our job as a leader is to close that gap by being vulnerable and authentic.
Big Isn’t Good Unless Big Does Good
What are you going to do that your team and those companies are doing great things that only that department can do?
Invested and refurbish the Carnegie free learning center and that’s a way that Apple was able to give back.
Working with local governments and asking how they can help the city.
We can just open stores but why not do it differently and make an impact.
Are your programs truly enriching lives.
What’s the best advice that you have ever received?
You will never be happy unless you learn to give 60 and take 40 in everything.
Not just at work. In everything. With your partner, kids, everything.
Nobody cares how much you know. Until they know how much you care.
Don’t try to be something you are not…always be you.
I will know I had done a really incredible photo that you look for yourself last.
I believe my best days are still ahead of me.
Rachel Hollis
# 1 New York Times Bestselling Author, Top Business Podcaster, World-Renowned Motivational Speaker
Get up and dance for 30 seconds. If you are an introvert it doesn’t matter. If you can’t get up and dance in front of like-minded people. What chance you have when you are on your own doing your job.
When you move your body, you change your mind.
A leader never has two easy days in a row. This work is hard. It’s meaningful. But it doesn’t make it easy.
What sustains you on the inside when all else falls away.
Can you get up after a night of grief and despair and do what needs to be done to feed the children.
Leadership is hard work. Can you stand in the fire, can you keep showing up because you are pursuing something greater than yourself.
It’s not about YOU.
Are you pushing your leadership onto the world?
If you have something to say, if you have love, have skills, that you can share with the world and you are not considering how to put that out to the world you are missing out on the wonderful opportunity there is right now to scale to reach so many people.
You have the opportunity today to go put something on social media and touch people who live in another country.
You are comparing what you are doing to what somebody else has. You think you are an imposter, who cares what I have to say. The things you have gone through are the things someone is struggling with right now.
I know what it is like to retire as a man who defined my entire life as my career…
I know what it is like to go through a divorce….
Be a leader to the world.
It has to be authentic and real….
People don’t care what you post, they notice that you care.
Yes, You Can…
You can get back up.
You got this.
You can do this.
Stand back up and go again.
Leadership looks like YOU SEEING THEM. I SEE YOU.
I have 4 kids…that’s like raising 1000 kids on the daily.
Try to meet them where they are at. Try to get them to see that I SEE YOU.
Be specific about what you think your kids are doing great.
What if we just praised him when he does something good. Instead of fixing on problems. When is the last time you loved on a kid for what he is and what he does well.
Stop trying to prune him into something he’s not.
He became what he was supposed to be.
Be a social community – You Show UP when you have one follower. When you have 10. You create content for 10 people the same as a person with 10 million.
How did you know what to write in your book?
Each chapter was a response to the questions I get most often from my audience.
Just answer the questions that the community is offering.
IF there is a voice in your heart that is telling you …(should I do a podcast, should I make Youtube videos) YES 100% you should be.
Whatever you know how to do… You can be a leader in that subject.
Start creating content and stop being so precious about it.
IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU BUT ALSO its completely about YOU. It’s about how much you are willing to grow to show others what they can do.
Give people the tools to change their lives.
As I grew, I as read the books, as I went to conferences, then I knew how to give a different kind of tools. Tools that change their lives changed as I changed.
Document don’t create. Just document and share your journey.
Do the tough work to be strong enough to lead others.
To become a better leader.
- Your self-awareness – where are you struggling. What are you trying to do over and over again and keep getting the same results?
If you are the are also the solution. The answer to whatever you are struggling with in your life exist on the internet right now for FREE. They cost you nothing but time and effort then your ignorance is a choice. Have the courage to admit what you don’t know.
Tell your team, man guys I don’t know what this is….let’s figure this out together. There is a person right now who can probably 10x your business right now if you can just admit what you don’t know. The only thing stupid is not having the guts to admit you didn’t know.
Leadership is being a warrior.
What is the word You NEED. The persona that you need to step into.
To be a leader you need to think like a warrior.
A warrior expects to get their butt kicks. I’m strong enough to hold this together when I get my butt kicked.
A warrior knows when they have a failure they use it as a lesson to what they need to work on.
A warrior is mentally tough. I’m in control of this it’s not in control of me.
A warrior knows they can’t go to battle for others if they can’t go to battle for themselves.
Tomorrow is not a guarantee. You do not know what is going to happen next. And if today is your last day are you proud of how you are living your life.
You have to take care of yourself first.
Sign up for your life. Fight for yourself.
You have the power to impact 1 – 100 million.
The creator gave you that potential and you are squandering it if you do not step into your potential.
I love you and believe in you and yes you can.
Markus Buckingham
Rally people to a better future. Belief that things can get better. The opposite of a leader is a pessimist.
IF we are going to follow you is because you can see a brighter future and we will follow you there.
It’s so much more difficult when your team is not rallying around you and they are even undermining you.
When everything is challenging you from every angle you and you are lost here is what you can do.
If you want to learn leaders, you go and study them.
We study failure and invert it. TO learn about health we study disease. Everywhere we look we study bad and flip what happens we get just NOT BAD. There’s a difference in excellence.
You learn nothing about great marriage from studying divorce. What you learn is a lot about divorce.
Everyones life is mediated by something in life that is not true. Enoencratic ratio patterns.
These myths and lies that we are fed each day in schools and work place. Harvard Study. Its misguided. 9 lies
- People care what company they work
for - The best plans wins
- Best companies cascade goals
- The best people are well-rounded
- People need feedback
- People can reliable rate other
people - People have potential – it’s an
apartheid. No special substance that you
carry around with each other. We all
have the opportunity to learn and grow. - Work/life balance matters most –
When can you say you found it. If you
think you found it you will say….Nobody move …. But everything is motion. - Leadership is a thing – leaders are
things. We are all different. Different attributes.
Best People are Well Rounded
If a kid comes back with a report card with 3 As and 1 F…and we only had one year to focus on one…which one would we focus on the child with?
Most with say the F
Because we say a more well-rounded kid is best.
Why don’t we focus on what the kid is great at?
If you want your kids to learn more you might want to learn on what he learns best.
Does SAT test measure nothing about the child?
Be a Strength finder. Not deficiency weakness finder.
Believe in the uniqueness of the child. Where did they come from? Treat them differently. Space making. Leave a space and let the children bounce around inside of it.
Create love and pace for you those around you to grow.
Space à Learning à Growth à Learning à Love
If you take away SPACE you take away LOVE.
Make space, see the child.
You have to forgive her because the forgiveness is not for her it’s for YOU.
John C Maxwell
Authenticity. Just Real people. Real people who don’t have their act together. Huge losses. Failures. People who got disillusioned.
One thing about success is that it separates you from people.
How do I close that gap? I don’t want to have fans. Those people applause you and love you and say I can never be like you.
I just want to have friends and that is going to close that gap. You close that gap with Authenticity.
I won’t be put on a pedestal because I know who I am.
Walk Between the Lines
Failure on one side and successes on the other side.
When you are walking on the success side I move quickly to get back to the middle because I am not always that good.
There’s nothing amazing about you …. The only thing that is amazing is your gifts. Your gifts are god-given they are greater than you. You didn’t earn those gifts that’s why they call you gifts. Do your best with your gifts. You didn’t earn them they can be taken away.
Don’t even allow people to put you on a pedestal and lift you higher than you really are.
I’m not amazing…. your amazing. Working in creators grace.
When things are going really well, we are not as good as we think we are.
We all need this balance of win and loss in our life. It’s the loss that keeps us humble and keeps us real and teaches us character.
Would you like to go back and do them over all the mistakes you have done in the past? In my failures that’s where I developed my character. I wouldn’t trade my character for good decisions. If I would of made all good decisions, I wouldn’t be the person on the inside that I am.
If you are bigger in the outside as you are in the inside it’s only a matter of time before it all falls down.
My name is John and I’m just your friend.
People don’t want a perfect leader, but they do want an authentic leader.
You got to laugh at yourself more because everybody else is….joke.
Just take action. Don’t wait to get perfect. Don’t wait till you think you arrived. Just get into the game. Get started.
5 frogs on a log, 4 frogs decide to jump off how many are left. 5 because just because you decide didn’t mean you did it.
It was not get ready, get set, go…
It was get..go
Rachel just did it.
Deceiving words – Good Intentions.
Good intentions are worthless unless they lead to good action. You have to cross that bridge.
You are never good the first time you do something.
Your goal isn’t to be good, your goal is just to do it.
When you decided to walk you didn’t say let’s go for a walk. You took a step and fell, took a step and fell.
Forget yourself.
Forget yourself so you give yourself.
Give yourself to people.
But if it’s all about me, then I’m never going to get started.
I’m never going to live up to what I think people think of me.
Get in the arena of action…just go.
If you mess up you adjust and keep going.
What is it right now that you need to stop thinking about it and just start doing it.
Serving you.
Adding value to you.
Give 60 Expect 40.
I consider the success of my day not by the harvest I reap but by the seeds that I sow.
Every day I just tried to add value to people. How can I serve you? How can I help you?
Every day I ask God to give me a word. Every year in December and I got the word.
This past year I got the word Father.
Then I knew I was to father. Especially to leaders.
When you die you are taking yourself way to Serious? They bury you and they go the potlach; the biggest questions they are asking you is where is the potato salad. In 30 minutes, you been replaced with the potato salad.
As a father, I’m to bless and empower leaders. I’m going to unconditionally love you as a father I’m to revel in your success and I’m to be the example for others to follow.
I love you; I believe in you.
When you go beyond anything you have ever imagined, there is one person who is not surprised…. his name is John and I’m your friend.