Hey, are you looking for a Wonderful video for the History of Native Americans for Kids? Well, look no further. First off I think we can all agree that our children are such blessings and with that, majorly curious about who they are and wonder about how things came to be. They can sometimes ask you questions that take you by surprise, things like ” Why is the sky blue? Where do Babies come from? What Happened long time ago?” Etc. Nowadays kids like to watch cartoons and are not really too excited to read some old book collecting dust on the shelf so it really is a smart idea to combine both history and animation in one to keep the learning fun! With that here is History of Native Americans for Kids – Timelines – Animation
A 5-Min Wonderful Cartoon of The History of Native Americans for Kids This video detail’s : – Native American history timeline – Mistreatment of native American history – Native American’s important events – Native American history timeline before 1492 – Why is Native American history important – Native American history for kids – Native American facts American Indian groups Cherokee, Navajo, Sioux, Lakota, Iroquois, Apache, Cheyenne, Nez Perce, Shoshone, Crow Nation, Ute people, Sac and Fox Nation, Osage Nation, Paiute, Omaha people, Pawnee people
The name “Indian” was given by Christopher Columbus who mistakenly believed he had landed in India

The history of First Nations People in the United States began tens of thousands of years ago late in the Ice Age when humans went across the Bering Land Bridge that joined Siberia to Alaska they had gradually journeyed across the land and southward into Mexico and beyond. Their descendants went along the west coast of North America as early as before christ they had covered nearly the entire continent over a couple of thousands of years.

As they moved across the continents First Nations People had made a alot of languages and civilizations they came from different tribes such as in Europe Asia or Africa.
When the Ice Age ended the First Nations People created their tribes by making wise use of natural resources available. They had the first experience with growing different crops such as corn and squash. They also hunted a variety of different animals such as deer, bison, sea mammals and catching fish by using a variety of efficient methods

Another progress during the time before the European invasions was the mound-building. from the region of the Midwestern United States to southern Peru in South America the First Nations People’s territories were marked by big hills of Earth most of these hills were flat on top with temples built on them, some were burial sites of honored leaders. Some First Nations cities were as big as the cities in Europe and Asia at that time and their fine architecture is still greatly admired

From the 16th through the 19th centuries the population of First Nations People sharply declined the main factor among many others was new diseases (brought by European’s who traveled over the sea’s) that First Nations People were not immune to. Diseases such as measles, chickenpox, cholera, yellow fever, and many more devastating diseases however these diseases were rarely fatal among Europeans

With the meeting of the 2 peoples ( First Nations And Europeans), animals insects and plants were carried from one to the other both on purpose and on accident on what is called the Columbian Exchange. The horse was one of the main animals which were brought over and escaped. It then began to breed and increase their numbers in the wilderness. First Nation’s People then started to use horses to carry goods, to hunt game and to ride into battle. Horses became a great blessing for the First Nation’s People and still are to this day.

The Europeans started to colonize North America in order to make new farmlands and create new jobs for the rising growing populations for the people overseas in Europe, To do so they often fought First Nation’s People for the land during the American Revolution.

The British competed with the United States for the friendship of First Nations People east of the Mississippi River most First Nations People who joined the struggle sided with the British, based both on their past trading relationships and hopes that colonial defeat could help stop the expansion in First Nations Peoples lands.

The United States wanted desperately to expand farming and settlements of new areas to satisfy the land hunger of settlers from New England and new immigrants. The government initially sought to purchase Native American land by treaties the states and settlers were frequently at odds with this policy United States policy toward First Nations People continue to evolve

In 1830 President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act to relocate First Nations People from their homelands onto reservations and surrounding areas in order for non-first nations people to occupy the stolen land of the First Nations People. For non-native settlements, this resulted in the Trail of Tears. First Nations People of the plains in the West continued war with the United States throughout the 17th century through what was called the Indian Wars. Some of the names of these conflicts in this period include the Dakota War, Great Sioux War, Snake war, Colorado war, Texas Indian Wars and one of the last events during the Indian Wars was the Wounded Knee Massacre where men, women, and children were slaughtered by the US Cavalry in the United States which was led by the infamous general Gorge Armstrong Custer pictured below.

During World War 1 nearly 10,000 First Nations men had enlisted and served, despite this in many areas First Nations People faced local resistance when they tried to vote and were discriminated against with barriers to voter registration. On June 2nd, 1924 US President Calvin Coolidge signed the Indian Citizenship Act which made all First Nations born in the United States and its territories citizens. Before the Act, nearly 2/3 of Native Americans were already US citizens through marriage military service or accepting land allotments the Act extended citizenship to all non-citizen Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States

Under the US Constitution First Nations today in the U.S First Nation’s People have all rights to vote in elections and run for political office, controversies, however, remain over how much the federal government has jurisdiction over tribal affairs sovereignty and cultural practices

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[…] Medicine Wheel Native American Teachings is of a circle, a symbol, which is filled with many of the teachings and wisdom past down from generation to generation in the First Nations culture. These teachings, […]