If you seen online there has been a lot of our people suiting up in their regalia and dancing for healing of the people. It’s been pretty amazing to watch and witness all of the dancers from all directions doing this for our people.
Here are some of the top videos we found on Facebook of all these amazing people sharing their healing for everyone at home.
Harold Gadwa Dances Grass Dance for The People
“Last night Skye was watching videos with me of different jinglers. She asked why they were dancing. I explained that our Native people have asked for them to dance and help heal and pray for everyone during this time. She said “Mom I want to do it too.” So this morning she wakes up ready to suit up and offer her prayers. Here she is. I’m proud of our little healer. #nativehealing #dancingforthepeople #jingledresshealingdance #prayingforall “
“Requested by my family. From them to all of you out there. Kisakihitinawaw kahkiyaw.”
“Kids wanted to join the social distance / smoke dance / war dance ……Steamburg / jonegano….Seneca country / onödawa’ga’/ people of the great hill……Iroquois/Haudenosuanee/ people of the longhouse .”
“Dzinisi Guja, sizi Ikadza Ts’ika at’a. Sinajuna Tsuut’ina at’a. Tłat’a xalukuwa uwa agutina ogha tadisdli. Xat’a nits’i iskad, xat’a yinisin. I’ve had so much anxiety and fear this past week, being near the centre of Calgary and not really knowing what to do but stay home to keep my family safe. Our daughter is four months old and I’ve felt helpless and weak these past seven days and though I smudge everyday, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed and sad about everything that’s going on as well as absolutely worried for my daughter and my significant other. But seeing all our fellow indigenous people come together regardless and heal each other through songs and dance, I felt like I wasn’t alone and that there was something I had control over, which was to dance for the healing of those affected by Covid-19. I truly believe this sickness has a spirit and I felt like all the fear and frustration it brings just took everything out of me. So don’t mind that I look gassed at the end. Lol On a positive note, I felt amazing after! I felt like my prayers were stronger and I’m so blessed to have my family by my side during these stressful times. Prayers to everyone and stay happy and healthy! Siyisgaas”
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