In the last blog that we discussed this, we went through a lot of the most popular powwows that brought a lot of people each and every year. And most of these powwows is something I recommend that you try and go see if your are wondering what guarantees a big and immersive experience.

This blog will discuss the same exact thing! Here I will discuss 5 more great powwows that you can attend if you are able to and I highly recommend that you go and experience just one of them. All of these powwows are now relatively in different places from each other so possibly, if you are from North American regions you may be fortunate that one of these are near you.

1. Saskatoon Powwow

Usually in the colder months of the year, Saskatoon powwow is one of the more bigger powwows in Saskatchewan. This event is held in a beautiful arena called the ‘Sasktel Centre’ and every year it seems to bring many tourist and new people to experience the powwow.

This is an indoor powwow, so the only downside to the these type of powwows is that you don’t really get yo experience a lot of indigenous vendors that sell indigenous foods. But you’ll get to see other vendors that sell indigenous art such as jewelry and other items.

This is a powwow you need to go and experience if you reside anywhere near Saskatchewan, you can find this powwow online and plan ahead to find the dates and prepare to experience it! Saskatoon is a must see event and hopefully that you try to attend the event and enjoy what it has to bring.

2. Lethbridge Powwow

Another Indoor powwow that is positioned further south in Alberta, Lethbridge is a powwow within Blackfoot regions and is always a good time when you go attend. They have a lovely community and one of the smaller events that you can go to if you want to ease yourself into the powwow experience.

Much like Saskatoon powwow, Lethbridge is an indoor powwow so finding indigenous cuisines is a rare feature and hard to come by when attending indigenous powwows inside. But other than that, Lethbridge has always been a good experience since it had a lot of dancers that you can spectate and fun vendors that you can view and buy items.

You should really go and experience this powwow and I highly recommend it if you are anywhere near Lethbridge powwow, it is an awesome experience and you’ll love it when you do. The community is great and it if your somewhat far from this powwow, I’m sure that this powwow will make your journey worthwhile.

3. Pechanga California Powwow

For all of the people down in the states and wondering what is a good powwow to attend? Pechanga is one of the bigger powwows in the states and reside in the California area. This powwow is amazing and very entertain for the amount of dancers that go and experience it.

It is a must see just because of how big it can get, many people go here just to experience it and a lot of dancers usually attend this powwow. So going to a powwow with a lot of dancers really brings your experience of a powwow to a whole new level, Pechanga can be either a indoor or outdoor powwow depending on how they plan it but it is still a must see in my opinion.

If you are already a powwow enjoyer and want to explore and learn more on our indigenous events, Pechanga is an amazing start if you want to get to attend one of the more larger indigenous events in the states. It is a really fun experience if you are not familiar with the American soil so it can also be a travel experience before and after the powwow!

4. Red Pheasant Powwow

Another great powwow in the mid level of Saskatchewan Red Pheasant Powwow is an amazing powwow with an awesome community and is always a good time to attend. It’s one of the more well known powwows and it’s somewhat a very chill gathering where people come together and honestly have a good time visiting.

This is an outdoor powwow with many indigenous vendors selling and presenting a lot of its traditional indigenous foods and delights. This also gives you the original feel of how powwows are originally are played out and gives you the more traditional vibe when your attending outdoor powwows.

This is a powwow that is honestly a favourite among most people, it is an enjoyable experience and the majority of people that attend this one is honestly there to experience with the ones around them. They have a really awesome community and I recommend that you try and experience their event as well and enjoy what they have to offer in the powwow society.

5. Thunderchild Powwow

This is a big powwow that is also in Saskatchewan, the powwow is one of the more larger and popular events that you can attend and it’s quite certainly an amazing time when you do. Thunderchild is a popular powwow in Canada and it always brings a lot of dancers around North America and new people every single year.

This is an outdoor powwow so finding vendors with indigenous foods is incredibly easy and you can enjoy both our traditional meals and our amazing and colourful culture. I recommend this powwow if you also want to get a full feel of how a large powwow coordinates itself and how much it expresses our culture in a fun and creative way.

Thunderchild is widely known throughout Canada and the United States. It is a very big powwow and I highly recommend that this powwow is a very fun event to experience. If you are tourist wanted to experience large events like this, this is a powwow for you and I hope that you give this one a chance to see it for yourself.

To Conclude

Like always, powwows are everywhere in North America so if you can’t seem to reach these suggestions, I’m for certain that there is a powwow near you. And if you really want to experience more powwows such as these ones, here is another blog about five bigger powwows that you can possibly experience as well! Just click here!

It is incredibly easy to attend one because our culture is welcoming for people who are interested in learning about powwow and attending them. It’s important that we advertise this because this is really important subject that we need to advertise, indigenous culture must get out there and be know throughout the country and possibly beyond that.

This is the goal that we are certain to reach when it comes to teaching culture, PowwowTimes does exactly that and how you can become an advocate to that cause is simply sharing this vlog to others or showing your friends and family. This will bring more attendants to powwows and you can learn about our culture in a little more deeper depth than the outside of the event.

I hope you enjoyed this blog and now I only have one question for you. What is your favourite powwow?