FULL Time Artist Secrets
Dear Future Successful Artist,
In this letter I am going to share with you how I went from a struggling artist who could barely afford to pay his rent and keep food on the table, to making multiple 6 figures per year as an artist working from home.
These secrets I am about to share with you, not only put multiple 6 figures in my pocket as a Full-Time Artist but it also has launched many of more successful artists and allowed me to be a blessing in so many others artists lives as well.
After reading this letter, you will become confident that you have a verified blueprint that you can follow to get more orders for your crafts, be booked up for your services, and make more money for yourself and your family.
It can become so lucrative for you that you also may be able to help your community and many more artists because you learned what is in this letter.
My name is Patrick Mitsuing and I am the creator of a company called Powwow Times.
Powwow Times is an Internationally award winning arts company that reaches millions of people each month, that I started in my 4-plex apartment with zero dollars to my name.
Through that time I've become a World Champion Powwow dancer and worked with some of the biggest events on the planet.
From all the work as I do as an artist, i've been able to make multiple 6-figures each year doing what I absolutely love and I want to share with you how you can do this as well.
I've come a long way and learned a lot from so many mentors and the advice that I've gotten through the years has been so key to my success as an artist, and it's time to share it with you.
The teachings will allow you to be so booked that you can start increasing your prices because of the demand.
You will be able to sell your products with ease and command the top price for your time and art.
These secrets have taken me all over the world.
Here we are with a fully paid trip to Paris, enjoying Disneyland Paris and the Eiffel Tower. We didn't have to pay for anything, in fact they paid us to be there and do our art.
Here is another picture of me in London, England. I was able to bless other artists as well because when you know these secrets....this is what you are able to do.
We were exploring London UK and taking in their architecture and another picture with the Eye of London just before we got in the VIP line to ride and see the city from above.
Here is another picture of me in Japan. I got a fully paid trip, with food, and money in my pocket.
I made enough to pay a few more artists (family) to come with me on this trip and have the time of our lives.
Being a full time artist has allowed me to live the life of my dreams and I want to do the same for you.
So let's get into the secrets that have allowed me to go from a struggling artist who could not afford my $900 rent at my 4-Plex apartment, to living as a multiple 6-figure artists that brings blessings and abundance to family and other arising artists.
Take out your notebook and write these notes down, or save this website because you will want to come back to these secrets over and over again.
When I was struggling to get any work as an artist, it was because I was waiting for the call or waiting for the orders.
You are going to have to be more diligent than that.
You are going to have to find a way to promote yourself to the masses.
The more people out there see what it is that you have to offer, the more offers you are going to get.
Now is not the time to hide your secret talents. You have to share your best stuff with the world.
"Well why would they hire me if they know my best stuff?"
They will hire you because if they like what you are promoting, they will want to learn HOW you do it or See it in person.
When I wanted to sell my crafts.
I would make my crafts the best that I could and I would post them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
I posted my work everywhere.
Soon people saw me as the "Bustle Guy". When people were inquiring about who is the person that can make them bustles, my name came up because people saw me posting my work everywhere.
This allowed me to start getting orders like crazy.
And another thing..... Whenever you finish a gig. Post it and say finished another gig working with (x) or so happy to finish up another order for another happy customer.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg. What I learned in Secret 5, allowed me to supercharge this method and get orders with ease and also set my prices to be the top of the industry and I wasn't even the best craftsmen in my area.
You ever go to a food court at the mall and walk past the Chinese Food place and someone offers you a free sample of their chicken on a toothpick.
You eat the piece of chicken, it tastes good, you are hungry.....you buy!
See this is not something they are doing at the goodness of their heart to feed the hungry.
It's a psychological trick in sales using the law of reciprocity.
This is why a lot of companies do well offering a free program, free taster, free sample, and then when you get a wonderful experience from the free tester, you get the offer to order the full package.
I learned this sales technique and decided to use it with my work as an artist...
Oh man did life change after this.
I got so much work after this that I had to quit my job at The Source selling electronics because I got too busy with gigs as an artist.
The way I employed this tactic was two-fold.
1. I contacted all the organizations that I wanted to work with and offered to do work for FREE. YES FREE!
I wanted to show a few organizations what I can do.
*Note - employ this trick if you truly believe that you have a good product or service.
Mind you I was broke at the time and it was tough to offer what I had for no charge. But I knew that this could be a great opportunity just to get my name out there.
After a while, I got a few phone calls back and got put into the schedules to do work with no charge.
Soon my name started to get around as this awesome artist that engages with the crowd in a good way.
My email and phone started to blow up with offers to go do other events.
I was able to start charging for these other events and engagements and this strategy has now put so much into my pocket as an artist and keeps me busy when other artists are struggling to find gigs.
2. Do Your Art or Presentation Online Free
Another way to do this is online. If you are a singer, start singing online for everyone for free. If you are a speaker, record yourself doing your best presentation online.
If you are any good, people will start sharing your posts and videos and literally do all the promotion for you.
Just remember to put in your posts your contact info for bookings.
This is one of my biggest secrets to getting a LOT of work as an artist.
If you do the first 2 secrets you are going to get busy and get a lot more work.
Soon you will have organizations and event staff contacting you and you might not be able to make every engagement.
This is where a lot of people go wrong.
Don't just turn down ANY gig offered to you. Now is the time to start putting food on other artists table.
Instead recommend to them that you have another great person who you highly recommend.
Even if you can make it to your hired gig, ask if they are looking for more people because you know great people who can help.
This is where you look at your industry and find out who out there get's a lot of work.
Who is making moves and usually get's hired to do work.
This is where you want to make a list of at least 5 of the people who are breaking ground in your industry and start hooking them up.
The reason why you want to hook these artists up is because they get a lot of work and they are in positions to hook up a lot of people like yourself.
If you get work for these top industry leaders, you now planted a seed in their minds that you helped them out.
When they get an opportunity to have another artist work with them or at the same event, they will call YOU.
This little secret has not only brought me SO much work as an artist, but got me to put big names and big events in my artist resume.
Enjoy this secret and use it well.
There is so much FREE money that is up for grabs for those who know the grant game.
I've gotten grants that paid me $15,000 to make me new regalia for myself as an artist.
I've gotten grants that paid me over $60,000 to do cool artist things 🙂
I've got pretty good at the grant process, that it's insane not more artist are tapping into this resource to explode yourself as an artist.
Once you get a good system at finding the grants and signing up to some memberships, you will have a steady flow of grants that you can apply for each month.
One time my whole family got $2,500 each as a grant that supports artists and allows them to focus on their art.
Grants have gotten easier to apply for and once you get the hang of how it works, you can literally get to the next level as an artist.
The first place we usually start off to find grants are by doing a search online.
You will find some great resources doing the search and it will start you down a path to finding a lot of grants.
With our Full Time Artist Course we show you over my shoulder, how I find grants, how I apply for them and the important key things to put in a grant to make sure you get approved.
If you want to make serious money and really want to start playing in the big leagues, then it's time to treat it like a serious business.
When you incorporate yourself as a business, other entities start treating you differently.
This is how I get paid $60,000 or more in a single go.
It is from incorporating because now they see you as a business and treat you differently.
Also incorporating, let's say as a non-profit.
You now have access to a whole slew of funds that you wouldn't have access to if you were just operating as a person.
It also starts protecting you in terms of liabilities.
I am a huge believer in KARMA, and when you incorporate and start getting large contracts. You can start hiring other artists and implement so many of the secrets all at once. All this good work that you, brings in more good work.
You literally now have enough to be more than full time.
You have enough to make others full time as an artist and that is a beautiful thing to have.
Which leads us into the sixth secret that I want to share with you which is....
Secret number 5 is MSI which stands for Multiple Streams of Income.
Right now as an artist you may be thinking that you have one way to make money through your craft or art and that is simply not true.
I read a book back in the day called, Multiple Streams of Income by Robert G Allen and it transformed the way I thought about making income.
When I implemented this secret as an artist, it literally helped me to go Full Time. It makes you feel like you have rocket fuel under you for your career.
See I am a dancer and there is so many other dancers out there.
So you have to be creative and think of all the ways your art can turn into income.
Here are ways I transformed one art into many streams of income.
1. Teaching - You can start teaching your craft and people will pay you for your knowledge
2. Materials - It takes materials to do my art. I started to sell supplies to other artists that do what I do.
3. Grants - Started to get grants to do my art and host workshops
4. Speaking - Started to speak at conferences which positioned me as a leader for my art.
5. Gigs - Getting paid to do my art style for events
6. Competitions - Dancing competitions to get paid when I win
7. Events - Hosting huge events brought a huge windfall of income (more on secret #7)
8. Blogs - Started a blog about my art which brings in a steady income from Google Adsense
9. Youtube - Created videos about my art which brings in daily income from ads
10. Television - I teach about my art with local television and gets me steady income
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
I think I totalled it all one time and found I had 28 streams of income coming my way. I want to teach you all of this in our Full Time artist masterclass where I break down all of the ways I create income with my art.
Now let's get into Secret #7
Whatever industry you are in, there are people who are interested in what you do.
One of the ways to bring all the people together is to host an event.
Hosting events has been a dream for me because I always wanted to bring my community together to learn and have a good time.
There are so many income streams you can pull in from hosting a successful event.
When you get to the level of creating your own events and following for your event. Just hosting one event can have you set for the whole year.
Not only are you set for a whole year, you also are able to serve the masses and hire a lot of artists and put more food on their table.
Honestly this has been our true bread and butter and helped our family grow to work Internationally and be recognized as true legitimate artist.
And now it's your turn.
For the first time, I am going to be sharing with you how I made over $439,978.00 in just 12 months as an Artist and how you can do the same.
I have never shared my secrets as an artist in full detail before.
In this training we are going to go over each secret in detail. I'm going to share with you what I would do if I was starting all over again but still retaining the knowledge I have right now.
This training will be delivered in video format and it will be the most comprehensive training you ever got to being a full time artist.
I break down with you in detail how to implement each secret and also show you examples of my own things that I did to get crazy results.
Here is what you are going to learn today when you buy our masterclass today:
We really went all out with our Full Time Artist Secrets Masterclass and want to give you all the goods.
When you buy today here is what you are going to receive.
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Our complete course is available for a limited time only at a very special price
How to launch.
We are literally going to show you step by step how to launch as an artist and start getting more work, more gigs, and more sales.
How to Grow
This is where we show you how to get to $2,000 a month, to $5,000 a month, to $10,000+ per month using all of our Artist Growth Secrets.
How to Sustain
This is where we show you how to sustain a steady flow of income, how to establish yourself as an artist and separate yourself from the competition.
To get all the knowledge that i've got to become a full time artist over the past 12 years has cost me a lot.
It took 1000s of miles in travel. 100s of conversations with other established artists. and 10s of $1,000s of dollars in trial and error to come up with a formula that just flat out works.
So how much would it be worth to you to make you JOB income in a day?
There are so much times where I made my 9-5 job income in a single day being an artist.
How much would you pay to learn how to do that?
Over the last 12 months I've made over $439,000 as an artist.
What if you were able to make half that?
That would be $200,000.
What would you pay to make that amount?
Or even half of that...
What would you pay to learn how to make $100,000 as a Full Time Artist, doing what you love?
Would you pay $10,000 to learn how to make that?
Would you pay $5,000?
Well we aren't going to charge you anything near that.
In fact.
You won't even have to pay $1,000 which is what we thought about charging and probably increase the price to after we get a bunch of success stories from those who become our initial group of Full Time Artists.
So instead of paying $1,000 like everyone else will in the near future...
Instead you will not even have to pay $497 which was our next price we thought about for our initial test group.
For just $7.00
You get access to a formula that has brought me over $439,000.00 in just 12 months being a Full Time Artist.
I did it from scratch, living in a 4-Plex with little to nothing in my bank account to start off.
I wish I had this information when I was starting out because I wouldn't have to struggle so much.
Now you get the whole formula for only $7.00
Look the $7.00 that you have....
You are going to spend it anyway.
Maybe on Netflix, some food, or even a night out.
But then you are still in the same spot you are in right now.
So for just this time.....instead of spending it on something that you will forget about in a few months.
Why not invest in yourself?
Why not spend the $7.00 on YOU.
To give you knowledge that can absolutely change your life as an artist.
And look.
If you don't like the content.
If you don't think this will help you after you go through it.
You can simply tap into our.....
If the content that we share with you is not what you thought...
You can simply request a refund and we will give you 100% money back guarantee within 30 days.
So this is completely no risk to you to buy now today.
Go through the content and if you don't see how our information can put a extra $500.....$1,000.....$10,000 in your bank account.
Then simply email us at [email protected] and request a refund within 30 days of buying and we will issue you a no questions asked refund on the spot.
Our complete course is available for a limited time only at a very special price
We not only want to give you the full formula of how to be a Full Time Artist.....but we want to throw in a few bonuses to make this a no brainer decision to go ahead and buy today.
My good friend Notorious Cree is one of the biggest Indigenous artists on the planet.
He has amassed a following of over 4 Million people on TikTok and 1 Million on Instagram.
He literally figured out the algorithm to building a large following online.
With this training you will be able to get to your first 1,000 followers.
Then your first 10,000 followers.
Then your first 100,000 followers.
And who knows....maybe your first 1,000,000 followers.
We sat down with James (Notorious Cree) and created a 3 Video Masterclass on building a large following as an artist.
James' following literally helped him build a six figure yearly income just because he has this following.
This training is literally worth $100,000 because that is what it has made him yearly.
But it's yours absolutely FREE when you buy the Full Time Artist Formula today.
Our complete course is available for a limited time only at a very special price
What you do from here now is up to you.
Do you stay and remain struggling to get anywhere with your art?
Or do you pay a measly $7.00 to learn from a group of experts with knowledge that can take your art game to the next level.
In 2 years.....5 years....
Where do you plan to be as an artist?
The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting new results.
You have to get knowledge to change.
You have to apply the knowledge for growth.
This is over a decade of knowledge just from me, not including the friends I have to input in this masterclass.
Make the decision now.
To invest in YOU.
And if you don't like what we have to teach or you didn't learn anything that can literally double the investment back on your own end.....
Then we would happily pay you back your money....no questions asked.
So make the decision now.
Our complete course is available for a limited time only at a very special price
Thank you for your time in learning some of the secrets to becoming a full-time artist in this letter.
Patrick Mitsuing
Full-Time Artist
P.S - Take our offer to become a full time artist Mastery for only $7.00 where we teach you how we went from struggling artists to six figure full-time artists. If you don't get knowledge that can 10x your investment back in this course, then we will give you your money back.
Our complete course is available for a limited time only at a very special price
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